Creating, Modifying or Deleting a User

Click Users on the system settings page to view the list of users already present in the system:

Users list

If you wish to download the users as a CSV file, click Download (CSV). Such a CSV file has the following format:

"andreas","Andreas","andreas@localhost.local","fulluser superuser","0",

The first line contains the field names; every following line represents a user’s values for each of the fields. The roles field contains the roles of the respective user. If a user has more than one role, the role names are separated by a space character. The imported field specifies whether the user was created in the OMC (then the value is 0), or was imported (in this case the value is 1).

Please note, when importing users, that only users created outside the OMC can be imported. Previously imported users no longer present in the CSV file will be removed from the OMC.

Displaying or Editing Users

To have the properties of a user displayed, or to edit a user’s properties, first click the corresponding item in the list of users:

Displaying a user

Click Edit to modify the user’s properties displayed in the upper part of the page.

On the Membership tab, the user’s roles are listed. Click Edit Memberships to change the user’s role assignments.

Creating a User

To create a new user, click the New button above the search form. A form for specifying the user’s properties is displayed:

User creation form

In the OMC, users have the following properties to which values can or must be assigned:

  • Login: The name with which the user can log into the OMC (mandatory). The login cannot be changed after user creation.
  • Full Name: The real name of the user (mandatory).
  • E-Mail: The user’s e-mail address (mandatory).
  • Preset Access Control List: The name of the set of permissions that apply when the user accesses entities (accounts, persons, etc.) if no other access control list has been specified for the respective entity.
  • API Key #1, API Key #2: Passwords with which the user may access the Webservice API of the OMC.

Clicking Create causes the new user to be created and her details view to be displayed:

New user created

This details view is also displayed after clicking an entry in the users list mentioned above. In the menu of the user details view, the following commands can be found:

  • Edit: Change the user’s full name or e-mail address.
  • Delete: Deletes the user.
  • Change password: Here, the user’s password can be changed.

On the Membership tab, the user’s roles are listed. Initially, the list of the user’s roles is empty. Click Edit Memberships to assign roles to the user.