systemConfig formatDateTime

Available for: Content Management Server, Template Engine

Task: Formats the entered date. The date and time are converted to the time zone of the server.

Additional information: The value from the validDateTimeOutputFormats dictionary to which the value of the key userManagement.preferences.dateTimeOutputFormatName points is used as the output format. If the subcommand is executed via userConfig, the user-specific value of dateTimeOutputFormatName is used.


systemConfig formatDateTime dateTime

Function parameters:

  • dateTime is the date to be formatted. It should be entered in the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss . If the date has too few digits, the year figure will be filled in with zeros, and the month and day figure with 01 and hours, minutes and seconds with zeros. Extra figures will be ignored.

Return value if successful: the formatted time stamp (string)

Necessary permissions (CM only): none


CM>systemConfig formatDateTime 20000115180001
15.01.2000 19:00 MET