job create

Available for: Content Management Server, Template Engine

Task: Creates a new job with the specified parameters.


job create {parameter value}

Function parameters:

  • parameter specifies the name of a parameter that can be used with the create command. If the parameter execLogin is not specified, its value will be assigned the current user’s login. The name parameter must be specified.
  • value is the value of the respective parameter.

Return value if successful: The new job’s name.

Necessary permissions (CM only): The user must be a super user.

Additional information: It is recommended to define at least one global permission (permissionGlobalJobExec, for example) and assign it to new jobs as necessary execution permission. Otherwise, new jobs can be executed by all users.


CM>job create name myJob title "Export the root publication" \
execPerm permissionGlobalJobExec \
script "obj root exportSubtree filePrefix /tmp"