Job Parameters

category string The job category (user or system )
comment string Job description
displayTitle string The job’s title as it is displayed in the HTML user interface
execLogin string Login under which the script is executed
execPerm string The global permission a user must have, in order to be able to execute the job, i.e. put it in the queue. If no permission is specified all users may execute the job.
getKeys stringlist List of the job parameters that can be queried with get .
id number The job’s ID.
isActive bool Specifies whether a job is active (1) or not (0). Only active jobs can be executed.
lastExecEnd datetime Point in time, at which the most recent execution of a job ended.
lastExecResult string Result of the last script execution.
lastExecStart datetime Point in time, at which the job was most recently executed.
lastLogEntry stringlist The most recent log entry of the job. See the getLogEntry subcommand for a description of the format.
lastOutput string The job output that was generated most recently.
log stringlist List of the IDs of the most recent log entries of this job. The maximum number of entries is defined in the jobMaxLogLength system configuration entry.
logEntries stringlist The most recent log entries of this job. Each entry is itself a list. See the getLogEntry subcommand for a description of the format.
name string Name of the job. Names of jobs in the user category must not begin with system or an underscore.
nextExecStart datetime Point in time, at which the job will be executed the next time. Empty if the job is running or there is no such point in time.
queuePos number If the value is greater than 0 it specifies the job’s position in the execution queue; if it equals 0 the job is currently being executed. Otherwise the job has not been queued.
schedule stringlist The execution schedule (see below for a description).
script string The Tcl script to be run when the job is executed (only for jobs not in the system category).
setKeys stringlist The list of parameters that can be set with set.
title string The title of the job.
The Execution Schedule

Every job has an execution schedule assigned to it. In this schedule the (possibly recurring) job execution times are defined. Each execution time is made up of information about the years (years), months (months), the days (days) or weekdays (weekdays), the hours (hours), and the minutes (minutes). The specifications need not be complete, i. e. components can be left out. The following job will be executed daily in July, 2010, at 6.30 and 22.30:

job withName twiceADayInJuly2010 set schedule {
  {minutes 30 hours {6 22} months 7 years 2010}

The execution schedule is a list of entries, each of which is also a list. The parts of an entry are specified using the identifiers mentioned above and their respective values.

It is essential for the logic of repetitions that a component missing from an entry is interpreted as if all values possible for this component had been specified. If, for example, the days or weekdays are not given for the execution of the job, it will be executed daily. As a consequence, an empty entry for an execution time has the effect that the job will be executed every minute, until the entry is deleted or modified. A single execution time (without repetitions) can be defined by specifying exactly one value for each component except for weekdays. days and weekdays are combined using or, and the result is combined with the other categories using and.

Hours are specified as numbers from 0 to 23, weekdays as numbers from 1 to 7, 1 standing for Monday, 2 for Tuesday and so on.

All entries in execution schedules refer to the server’s time with its specific timezone. If execution times in entries overlap, the entry that comes first in the list has priority over the other ones.