Creating a New Account

To create an account, open the accounts main page and click the corresponding button:

Button for creating an account

First, a form for specifying the new account’s most important data is displayed:

Checking for duplicates

To minimize the number of duplicate accounts or contact persons, the OMC lets you compare your input with the existing data. To do this, click Search for Duplicates. If any matching accounts were found, they are listed below the form. If the account you wanted to create exists, click the corresponding list entry and add the contact person to the account.

Otherwise, or if the search yields no result, click Create New Account/Contact to input the remaining pieces of information:

Account creation form

The form for creating a new account consists of three sections, one each for the account data, the new contact person’s data (made smaller in the screenshot above to better fit into this document), and the new location data. If you wish, you can input as much information as is available. However, for accounts only the account name is mandatory.

By means of the Parent Account field, the account can be associated with a superordinate account, a parent company, for example. You can use this to represent hierarchical company structures in the OMC. If an account has sub-accounts they will be shown on the account’s details view. An account’s parent account is directly accessible via the context navigation.

For contact persons, their last name, gender, and their language are mandatory.

You do not need to enter a location when creating an account or a contact person. Locations, or further contact persons can also be added to the account via its details view.

Fill in the form fields and click Create to finally create the account. All data can be modified later on by editing the account or person. Note that the form fields available here also depend on the additional fields for accounts and contact persons that have been defined in the system settings section.