Carrying out an Event

To create a new event, click the New button on the Events main page. The following form is displayed:

New event

Give the event a title and specify the day it begins and ends. If you want the event to be accessible via an OMC web service, specify a unique name for this purpose.

Detail Info for Participants is an optional list of field names. To these fields event-specific pieces of information can be assigned for each participant. (Please separate the field names with commas if you need more than one.) In the example above, the fields day1 and day2 are used for keeping track of the days a participant wants to attend. vegetarian is used for recording whether a participant accepts vegetarian food only.

The values of the fields can be set later on using the OMC user interface. However, their primary purpose is to let logged-in visitors of your website set the values by means of a form. For this, the OMC Connector can be integrated into your web application.

After the event was created, its details page is displayed:

Event details page

Using the buttons in the upper part of the page, you can edit the properties of the event (e.g. its title), delete the event, or mark it as closed. The latter causes events to be hidden from searches on the Events main page, unless the Include Closed option is chosen.


Now, on the Participants tab, click the Edit button to add persons to the event. On the screenshot below you can see how an individual person is added by entering a part of her name and selecting the person from the results popup which is then displayed:

Adding a single person

If you have a stored query or a contact person collection for events like this, you can use it here to add the corresponding persons to the recipient list. It is also possible to import the recipients from a CSV file.

Click Add Contacts. If the event already has participants then the form also has a Remove Contacts button that works analogously.

After you are finished with the participants, you can return to the details page of the event or view the list of participants (as shown in the screenshot below) by clicking the corresponding link in the context navigation.

Context navigation

The participant list allows you to select a person for changing her status or assigning values to her fields. Click a participant in the list to do this:

Selecting participant for editing

After selecting a participant, her event-specific details view is displayed:

A participants details

Using the buttons in the lower part of the page, you can change the person’s participation status or remove her from the participants list. The buttons have the following functions:

  • Delete: Removes the contact person from the participants list.
  • Refuse: The person refused the invitation.
  • Register: The person has registered for participating.
  • Attend: The person has attended.

If you wish to change the values of the participant’s fields, click Edit. A form for editing the values is displayed:

Editing a participants fields

Please note the context navigation above the main section of the page. You can use it to quickly navigate to one of the superordinate pages at any time. When entering the desired field values, you should take account of your conventions regarding their meaning. Clicking Update finally displays the participant’s details page again., this time with field values:

Updated participant details

Now click the title of the event in the context navigation to view the details page of the event:

Final event details view

Here you can see the total number of participants, as well as the amount of participants for each participation state. The individual lists can be opened by clicking the labels. Furthermore, the percentage of persons with a particular status is displayed.


On the Mailings tab of an event the mailings are listed that have been carried out or are planned in conjunction with the event:

Event mailings

Click an item in the list to open the details view of the corresponding mailing. Or click New to create a new mailing for this event.

Further information about mailings can be found in the corresponding sections of this documentation.