User Parameters

Parameter Type Explanation get set create descr
defaultGroup string User’s default group
displayTitle string The user’s login and/or name as it is displayed in the HTML user interface
encryptedPassword string User’s encrypted password
email string User’s e-mail address
externalAttrNames stringlist The list of user fields
getKeys stringlist List of parameters which can be queried with get
globalPermissions stringlist List of global permissions
groups stringlist List of groups in which the user is a member
login string User’s login
owner string Owner of user
password string User’s password in plain text
realName string User’s full name
setKeys stringlist List of parameters which can be set with set
userLocked bool Indicates whether the user is locked
externalAttribute the field’s type Value of a user field

Owner of a user

When a user is created, the logged-in user will automatically become the direct owner (owner) of the new user. The owner is allowed to modify the fields and permissions of the new user. The login of the direct owner is defined in the user’s owner parameter.

The owner of a user can also modify the value in the user’s owner parameter. This value can be either a login or a group name. When a new owner is entered, the previous owner will pass his permission onto another user or to a group.

If a group is entered in the owner parameter of a user, all members of the group will be indirect owners.

In order to change a user’s parameters you must be the direct or indirect owner of the user and have the permissionGlobalUserEdit permission. Users can therefore not modify their data themselves unless they are their own direct or indirect owner.

The owner parameter works in exactly the same way for groups.