user create

Available for: Content Management Server

Task: This command creates a new user with the specified parameter values.

Additional information:

  • The login parameter must be set when a user is created. Login cannot be changed subsequently.
  • The owner of the user will be set to the logged-in user if owner is not specified as a parameter when create is called.


user create {parameter value}

Function parameters:

  • parameter specifies the name of the user parameter whose value is to be set during the create procedure (see The user parameters). The login and defaultGroup user parameter must be specified.
  • value is the value to be set for the parameter.

Return value if successful: the login of the new user (string)

Necessary permissions: The user must have the permissionGlobalUserEdit permission. Furthermore, the user must be the owner of the new user’s default group.


CM>user create login jane realName {Jane Mitchum} \
defaultGroup admins