task where

Available for: Content Management Server

Task: Creates a list of the IDs of all tasks in which the specified parameters have the specified values.


task where {parameter value}

Function parameters:

  • parameter The name of the parameter whose value is specified in value and which is being searched for. If several parameters are entered, they will be combined with and. The parameters can be:
    • maxResults specifies that value is a number that limits the number of hits. If number is less than or equal to zero, the number of hits is unlimited.
    • userLogin: only the tasks which are assigned to the user specified in value will be returned.
    • groupNames: only the tasks which are assigned to the groups specified in the value string list will be returned.
    • taskText: the text given as value needs to be contained in the comment or title of a task.
    • objId: only tasks which refer to the file with the ID given as value will be listed.
    • taskType: only tasks of the type given as value will be listed. The type can be one of the following values:
      • edit: only tasks in an editing workflow are taken into account.
      • sign: only tasks in a signature workflow are taken into account.
  • value is the value of the respective parameter.

Return value if successful: list of task file IDs (stringlist)

Necessary permissions: no restrictions


CM>task where taskType edit
2014.5 2035.4 2042.21 2049.16 2056.231 2063.19 2070.34 2084.6