reminder where

Available for: Content Management Server

Task: Returns a restrictable list of reminders.


reminder where {parameter value}

Function parameters:

  • parameter defines a criterion which the reminders searched for need to fulfill (several parameters can be specified):
    • from: The reminder date must be after the date specified as value (in the 14-place format).
    • until: The reminder date must be before the date specified as value (in the 14-place format).
    • user: The user specified as value is a recipient.
    • group: The group specified as value (i.e. its members) is a recipient.
    • objectID: The reminder is associated with a file located in a subhierarchy. The starting folder of this subhierarchy is specified as value.
  • value contains the value of the corresponding parameter.

Return value if successful: A list containing the data of the matching reminders.

Required permissions: none


CM> reminder where objectId 2016 until 20101225000000 user smith
{objectId 2016 from 201001221080000 users smith objectType document path /news/article1 groups {} comment {update slogan}}