File Format Parameters

Parameters Type Explanation get set create descr
attributeGroupNames stringlist The names of the field groups of the formats. The order in which the names are returned corresponds to the order of the groups (see attributeGroup).
attributes stringlist The list of fields used in the format
availableBlobEditors stringlist The list of editors available to users for editing the main content of a draft version. The list may contain any combination of the following elements: internalEditor, externalEditor, tinymceEditor, htmlEditor.
bodyTemplateName string Name of the layout used for exporting the bodies of all files based on this format.
canCreateNewsItem bool Specifies whether a news item for the files of this format is to be created on the live server. (Only available if a Portal Manager license is present.)
completionCheck string Custom Tcl script which can be used for additional completeness checks. The script is always called when a version is committed. A version can only be committed if all links are resolved, the obligatory fields are assigned valid values and the completionCheck string is empty or contains a script which returns result 1.
contentTypes stringlist The list of permitted file name extension for the version of a file based on this format. It is calculated from validContentTypes and obj contentTypesForObjType .
createPermission string The permission required to create a file in this format.
defaultAttributeGroupName string The name of the base group (baseGroup).
displayTitle string The title of the format as displayed in the HTML user interface
emptyAttributeGroups stringlist List of field groups with no fields assigned to them.
customBlobEditorUrl string The URL to which a request is sent when the main content of a draft version is to be edited with the custom editor (see also availableBlobEditors).
getKeys stringlist List of parameters which can be queried with get
goodAttributeGroupAttributes stringlist List of fields that can be added to the format's field groups
goodAttributes stringlist List of fields that can be added to the format.
goodMandatoryAttributes stringlist List of fields that can be added to the format's list of mandatoryAttributes
goodPresetAttributes stringlist List of fields that can be added to the format's list of presetAttributes
goodPresetFromParentAttributes stringlist List of fields that can be added to the format's list of presetFromParentAttributes
isEnabled bool Indicates whether the format can be assigned to files
localizedTitle string title.language in the language the user has selected. If this title is empty then name is returned.
mandatoryAttributes stringlist List of obligatory fields for a file with this format (only custom or file fields (see obj get <em>parameter</em>)
name string The name of the file format
objType string The type of a file based on this format (document, publication, template, image, generic)
presetAttributes stringlist List of fields which are assigned predefined values from the format when the file is created. The list contains the attribute name and the values (all those given in the attributes list and the predefined fields are permitted).
presetFromParentAttributes stringlist List of fields whose values are transferred from the parent folder to a new file based on this format (all those given in the attributes list and the predefined fields are permitted)
recordSetCallback string Custom Tcl code that is called when field values are assigned to the draft version of a file based on this format.
setKeys stringlist The list of parameters which can be set with set
title string The title of the format in the user-specific language
title.<em>language</em> string The title of the format in the respective language (from the localizer section of the system configuration.)
validContentTypes stringlist The list of permitted file name extensions for the version of a file based on this format. If this value is empty, all file name extensions are valid that are returned by obj contentTypesForObjType for the file type of this format.
validSortKeys stringlist The field names available as value for sortKey (from version 6.7.1)
validSortOrders stringlist The available values for sortOrder (from version 6.7.1)
validSortTypes stringlist The available values for sortType (from version 6.7.1)
validSubObjClassCheck string Tcl-Code that is called when a file is to be created in a folder based on this format.
validSubObjClasses stringlist The list of format names which are permitted for the files contained in folders with this format. This list may only be assigned in formats which are used to create folder type files.
workflowModification string Tcl-Code that is called before a workflow is assigned to a draft version of a file based on this format.
xmldtd string The XML-DTD belonging to the format