attributeGroup attrGroupRef addAttribute

Available for: Content Management Server

Task: This command adds a field to a field group.

Additional information: The field must have been assigned to the file format the group belongs to. You cannot assign a field to the base group. Only fields assigned to the base group can be assigned to a different group.


attributeGroup withIdentifier groupId addAttribute {parameter value}

Function parameters:

  • parameter specifies the name of a parameter to be taken into account when the field is assigned to the field group. The following parameters can be specified:
    • attribute denotes that value is the name of the field. This parameter is obligatory.
    • index denotes that value specifies the position at which the field is to be inserted into the group’s field list. If this parameter is not specified the field will be appended to this list. The index of the first field is 0.
  • value specifies the value of the respective parameter.

Return value if successful: none.

Necessary permissions: The user must have the permissionGlobalRTCEdit permission.

Example: Add the field main to the field group headlines in the format newsPublication and make it the first field of the group.

CM>attributeGroup withIdentifier newsPub.headlines \
addAttribute attribute main index 0