Version Fields

The following overview of the version fields applies to the Content Management Server. In the Template Engine, only fields are available whose names do not include further components (such as .plain). Furthermore, in the Template Engine all field values are read-only.

Field Type Explanation get set descr
anchors stringlist List of the anchor names in the version (only for files of type folder or document)
string For layouts, folders and documents only: String representation of the version’s main content.
blob.base64 string The version’s main content., base64-encoded. string For read access the streaming ticket is returned with which the blob can be downloaded via the streaming interface. For write access the streaming ticket is specified that was returnd when the blob was uploaded.
blobLength number For files of the image and generic type the length of the binary data is returned, for other file types the size of the main content in bytes.
body string For layouts, folders and documents only: Pre-processed version of the HTML code of the version that is used for internal purposes
channels stringlist The list of channels to which the version is assigned.
contentType string The file name extension of the blob assigned to the version. To versions of document and folder files the following applies: If the MIME type belonging to the file name extension is text/html, then the main content is processed by the Content Manager with the effect that, for example, links contained in it are managed by the link management. Otherwise the main content is treated as pure text. See also the mimeTypes system configuration entry.
displayTitle string The title of the version as it is displayed in the HTML user interface (corresponds to the value of title).
editor string The login name of the user who edits the version
string For layouts, folders and documents only: String representation of the blob. Using the appropriate layouts and depending on the file the version belongs to, the blob is put in the final export form (for folders and documents). Which layouts are appropriate also depends on the preferEditedTemplates user preference.
exportBlob.base64 string like exportBlob, base64-encoded string like exportBlob, however transferred via the streaming interface (see description of
exportFiles stringlist A list containing a pair of values for each file that will be generated when the version is exported. The first value in such a pair is the file name (without path), the second value is the version of that file.
externalAttrNames stringlist The list of all custom fields assigned to the version. The list is assembled using the file format of the file the version is assigned to.
frameNames stringlist The list of all the names of the frames generated when the version is exported.
freeLinks stringlist The list of the IDs of the free links occurring in the version
getKeys stringlist List of version fields that can be queried with get
hasNewsItem bool Specifies whether the version has news items, i. e. whether it is released, channels are assigned to it, and canCreateNewsItems is 1 in its file format.
hasThumbnail bool Indicates whether the version has a thumbnail.
height number The height of the image contained in versions belonging to files of the image type, if the image has one of the supported formats (GIF, JPG, PNG). 0 otherwise.
isActive (from version 6.5.0) bool Indicates whether the version is temporally valid.
isCommitted bool Indicates whether the version is a committed version
isComplete bool Indicates whether the version is complete
isEdited bool Indicates whether the version is a draft version
isReleased bool Indicates whether the version is a released version.
lastChanged string The date the version was last changed
linkListAttributes stringlist The list of the linklist fields assigned to the version.
mimeType string The MIME type of the version determined by means of the assignments of content types to MIME types in the system configuration (mimeTypes entry).
nextEditGroup string The name of the next group in the processing workflow
nextSignGroup string The name of the next group in the signature workflow
objectId string ID of the file belonging to the version
reasonsForIncompleteState stringlist The list of the reasons why a draft version is incomplete
setKeys stringlist List of version fields that can be set with set
signatureAttrNames stringlist The list of all signature fields assigned to the version. The list is assembled from the workflow of the file belonging to the version.
sortKey1 string First sort key component (can only be set for folders)
sortKey2 string Second sort key component (can only be set for folders)
sortKey3 string Third sort key component (can only be set for folders)
sortKeyLength1 number Number of significant characters of the first sort key component (can only be set for folders)
sortKeyLength2 number Number of significant characters of the second sort key component (can only be set for folders)
sortKeyLength3 number Number of significant characters of the third sort key component (can only be set for folders)
sortOrder string Sorting order (only for folders)
sortType1 string Sorting mode of the first sort key component (only for folders)
sortType2 string Sorting mode of the second sort key component (only for folders)
sortType3 string Sorting mode of the third sort key component (only for folders)
subLinks stringlist The list of the IDs of the links occurring in the version
textLinks stringlist The list of the IDs of the text links and the include links occurring in the version
thumbnail string A base-64-encoded preview image in the JPEG format. Only available for image or generic files. This field may only be used in the GUI (Content Navigator, Wizards), not during export.
title string The title of the version
validFrom string The date the validity of the version begins in the 14-place canonical format (ignored for layouts). If validUntil is set, its value must be greater than validFrom.
validSortKeys stringlist The list of all valid values for the sortKeyn field
validSortOrders stringlist The list of all valid values for the sortOrder field
validSortTypes stringlist The list of all valid values for the sortTypen field
validUntil string The date the validity of the version ends in the 14-place canonical format (ignored for layouts).
width number The width of the image contained in versions belonging to files of the image type, if the image has one of the supported formats (GIF, JPG, PNG). 0 otherwise.
workFlowComment string The comments on the last workflow action applied to this version
xmlBlob string String representation of the blob of the version as an XML document (not available for layouts)
custom_field The value of the additional field custom_field.

The built-in version fields listed above are supplemented by the custom version fields. The values of these fields can also be read and set (setting them is only possible in the Content Management Server). Furthermore, with each version field a display value can be associated. This value is calculated by the field’s display value function whenever the field is assigned a value. To read display values, you can use code as shown in the following example:

content withId 65429 get customattribute.displayValue

For further information about display value functions, see also Field parameters.