The Concept of RSS Feed Creation

In CMS Fiona, RSS feeds can be generated by exporting news lists using a layout file that creates the desired RSS format. The news lists themselves come into existence by assigning CMS files to channels (using the channels version field) and then releasing the CMS files.

Using the NPSOBJ instruction newslist, all news files or only those that meet particular criteria can be queried (for example those that have been assigned to particular channels). Furthermore, the maximum number of news articles to be retrieved can be restricted.

In CMS Fiona, the following features serve to create news feeds:

  • In the system settings, channels can be defined. Channels are used for structuring news articles by their topic, i. e. for categorizing or classifying them, just like a user-defined field product-group classifies a file with respect to the products described in the contents of the file. The channel settings can be set via the Extras > System configuration menu item.

  • The versions of documents and folders have the built-in field channels. The channels field’s type is multi-selection, meaning that any number of the channels that have been configured can be assigned to it. In this manner, content is assigned to the channels.

  • File formats have the canCreateNewsItem field (Mark as news on the live server). If this field has been activated for a format, the files with this format are added to an internal news list when they are released, provided that the version’s channels field is not empty (meaning that this field contains at least one channel).

  • It is possible to create news lists from files assigned to any combination of channels. For this, an NPSOBJ instruction and a Tcl command are available. Analogously to the toclist instruction, the NPSOBJ instruction returns a context list, so that the version fields can be queried. The name of the corresponding Tcl command is news.