
Available for: Content Management Server

Task: Reads the data stored under a streaming ticket ID from the specified server and stores it in a file.

Additional information:

  • This routine uses the streaming interface which allows large pieces of data to be transferred in a memory-saving manner.
  • The maximum size of a piece of data transferred does not exceed 64 KB. This does not mean that the amount of data that can be transferred with this routine is limited to this value.


streamFromServer host port ticketId fileName

Function parameters:

  • host is the host name or IP address of the server.

  • port is the port at which the data can be accessed.

  • ticketId is the ID previously returned by the server after the data have been transferred to it.

  • fileName is the name or path of the file to which the data are stored.

Return value if successful: none

Necessary permissions: No restrictions.


CM>streamFromServer localhost 3002 [obj withId 53891 \
editedContent get] ~/myDocument.pdf