Starting, Stopping, and Deploying CMS Applications

Normally, the setup program starts the Content Management Server, the Search Engine Server, and the Trifork server after the installation has been completed. On all platforms, the CMS applications can be started, stopped, and restarted using the supplied start script rc.npsd which can be found in the instance-specific bin directory (i. e., for example, NPS/instance/default/bin). The calling scheme is:

rc.npsd (start | stop | restart | status) applications

applications is optional and can be one or more of the following shortcuts (standing for CMS applications): CM, SES, TE, PM, GUI, trifork, tinyMCE. Examples:

rc.npsd start CM SES
rc.npsd restart trifork

If no application is specified, all applications are started whose shortcuts have been specified in the apps script variable of the rc.npsd.conf configuration file. Please note that the Template Engine needs to be integrated into the system in order to receive and to export content.

Next to start and restart, the commands stop and status are available for stopping the servers concerned or to query the current status (running / stopped), respectively.

Additionally, the Windows services corresponding to the CMS applications can be started and stopped via the services administration in the control panel. By means of the following commands the services can also be installed and uninstalled:

rc.npsd installService {manual|automatic} applications
rc.npsd uninstallService applications

When installing, manual and automatic refer to the starting mode, meaning that these keywords determine whether the respective service needs to be started manually (i. e. via the control panel) or is started automatically on demand.

Starting and stopping web applications

Analogously to the applications, the web applications can be started, stopped and restarted using the following commands:

rc.npsd deploy webapplication
rc.npsd undeploy webapplication
rc.npsd restart webapplication

By default, the following web applications are specified in the webApps variable of the rc.npsd.conf file: GUI, PM, PM-PL, tinyMCE. These identifiers represent the following Java applications:

Web Application  Contents
GUI HTML user interface
PM Portal Manager
PM-PL General Portlets and Playland (Demo Content) Portlets
tinyMCE The TinyMCE HTML editor available in the HTML user interface

Retrieving the names of the configured applications and web applications

By means of the commands

rc.npsd apps
rc.npsd webapps

the names of the applications and web applications specified in the rc.npsd.conf configuration file can be output.

Executing Trifork Commands and Specifying the Time Zone

Special commands can be passed to the Trifork Application Server using

rc.npsd trifork command

The list of available commands is output if no command is given. Please refer to the Trifork documentation for the meaning of the individual commands (command line tools). The documentation can be found in the documentation directory below the Trifork directory (/opt/trifork on Unix and C:\Trifork on Windows machines).

The Trifork startup parameters can be set in the config/rc.npsd.conf file. If you use Java Server Pages you need to add the -devel option to the triforkArgs.

To make the Trifork server (and thus the GUI) use a particular time zone, assign the zone to the environment variable TZ in your start script (e.g. rc.npsd). Example:

export TZ="GMT"

HTML User Interface

If the Content Management Server and the GUI are running, you can open the following URL to connect to the HTML user interface (please adapt host name and port according to your environment):

The parameters (host and port) of the connection between the GUI and the Content Management Server as well as between GUI and the Portal Manager can be set in the file instance/instanceName/webapps/GUI/WEB-INF/ where instanceName represents the name of the instance concerned (the default name is default). In older versions, is located in WEB-INF/config.

To change the port used for connections to the Content Navigator (i.e. to the HTML user interface) laufen, first open the Trifork administration console using You can now change the HTTP and HTTPS ports in the HTTP > DEFAULT_ENDPOINT section.

Using WebDAV

The WebDAV service which allows you to access objects under Windows via web folders, can be accessed with the following URL:

In a standard installation you can log-in with root as user name and the password demo. If you do not use the demo content, the password is empty. If your WebDAV client does not support empty passwords, give the user (for example via the GUI) a different one. in the URLs above stands for the server on which the GUI has been installed. The browser needs to accept cookies.

Displaying the GUI in a frame

For the CMS GUI, including the integrated preview, to run inside a frame (this is useful for integrating CMS into a portal), the parameter npsguiframe needs to be specified. Assign to this parameter the name of the enclosing frame. Example:

  width="80%" frameborder="1">
  iframes do not work!

If this parameter is missing, the links inside of frames will destroy the preview display. The parameter is only recognized in the URL of the starting page.

Log Files

Errors, warnings, etc. produced by the CMS applications are logged in the CMS directory.

The logs of the Trifork server can be found in /domains/default/log/default below the Trifork directory. For logging Log4J is used which can be configured by means of the file instance/instanceName/webapps/GUI/WEB-INF/log4j-config.xml. The log level can be specified in the file instance/instanceName/webapps/GUI/WEB-INF/ In older versions, is located in WEB-INF/config.