Providing User Properties in Portlets

From version 6.5.1 of CMS Fiona, user properties provided, for example, by a directory service can be accessed in a portlet by means of the javax.portlet.PortletRequest.USER_INFO request attribute.

The attributes provided by the portal are listed in the portlet.xml file. In the following example, this is shown for two attributes:


However, in most cases these attributes will not be provided under their standard names. Therefore, the Portal Manager offers the possibility to map standard names to the names under which they are made accessible. For this, the userAttributeMapper property in the portletContainer bean defined in the pm.xml file needs to be set.

This is shown in the following example for mapping the attributes above to two attributes that also exist in the Content Manager:

<property name="userAttributeMapper">
  <bean class="">
    <property name="mapping">
      <value> = email = realName

By means of this configuration, a portlet can access the email user property using the following code:

Map userInfo = (Map)request.getAttribute(PortletRequest.USER_INFO);
String email = (String)userInfo.get("");