obj objRef verifyExport

Available for: Content Management Server, Template Engine

Task: After exporting the specified folder, this command checks whether an export file exists for each file that is to be exported and whether no export files exist for files that must not be exported. Basically, the existence of a released version, its validity period and its suppressExport field are checked. The command does not test whether files exist for nonexistent files.

Additional information:

  • Using this command, you can also check whether the exported data of the Template Engine matches the internal data of the Content Manager, i. e. whether all files intended to be exported have in fact been exported by the Template Engine. For this purpose, the command is executed using the Content Manager, specifying the Template Enigine’s export directory as directory (see the example below).
  • The result of this command is only reliable if no files are modified after the export and until the end of the verification process.


obj (withId objId) | (withPath path) | root verifyExport filePrefix exportDir

Function parameters:

  • exportDir is the path to the directory in which the export files to be examined are located (specified as in exportSubtree).

Return value if successful: none. In the case of failure, the relative paths of the missing files and of the files unexpectedly present are output line by line (see the example below).

Necessary permissions (CM only): The user must have the permissionGlobalExport permission.


CM>obj withPath /pub verifyExport \
filePrefix /opt/Infopark/NPS/instance/default/export/online/docs
missing: /index.html
missing: /pub/p35.html
unexpected: /pub/s44.html