obj objRef description

Available for: Content Management Server, Template Engine

Task: Returns a string representation of the data of the file with the specified ID.


obj (withId objId) | (withPath path) | root description

Additional information: The representation is formatted in the property list format of a dictionary (see The property list format).

Function parameters: none

Return value if successful: The string representation of the file (string). With the CM, the data returned includes information about the file's workflow state, which the TE does not have because it only knows about released versions.

Necessary permissions (CM only): The user must have the permissionRead permission for the specified file.


CM>obj root description
  hasChildren = 1;
  hasSuperLinks = 1;
  id = 2001;
  isCommitted = 0;
  isEdited = 1;
  isReleased = 1;
  name = ROOTPUB;
  objClass = publication;
  objType = publication;
  path = "/";
  suppressExport = 0;
  version = 1;