npsobj micronavigation


npsobj_micronavigation ::=
  <npsobj micronavigation = "fieldname" [ levels = "number" ] >separator</npsobj>


This element is replaced by a series of links. If the series consists of more than one link the separator will be evaluated and inserted between the links. If separator is empty a slash will be inserted.

To create the series of links, a series of files is computed first. This series consists of the current file's parent folder as the last element, this file's parent as the second last element, and so on until the base folder is reached. If levels="number" is specified then only number elements of this series are used. If number is greater than zero, the elements are counted from the beginning, otherwise from the end.

For each of these files an a element is created. To the href attribute of an a tag the path of the respective file is assigned. The content of the a element is the result of a request for fieldname in the context of the respective file.


<npsobj micronavigation="title" levels="-3"> / </npsobj>