npsobj condition


  ( <npsobj condition = "unary_condition" data [ negate = "" ]
  [ separator = "separator" ] [ format = "format_name" ] >
  content </npsobj>) |
  ( <npsobj condition = "binary_condition" data1 data2
  [ negate = "" ] [ separator = "separator" ]
  [ format = "format_name" ]>
  content </npsobj> )

unary_condition::= isEmpty | isNotEmpty | isNil | isNotNil

binary_condition::= isEqual | isNotEqual | isGreaterThan |
  isLessThan | hasPrefix | hasSuffix | isCaseEqual | matches

data::= ( value = "value" ) | ( name = "name" )

data1::= ( value1 = "value" ) | ( name1 = "name" )

data2::= ( value2 = "value" ) | ( name2 = "name" )


By means of this instruction you can make the export of a piece of text depend on a condition. The condition to be applied is defined by specifying a condition name such as isEqual as the value of the condition tag attribute (see the complete list of condition names below). The operands of the condition are defined by means of further attributes.

At first, the condition is evaluated. If it is true the entire NPSOBJ element is replaced by content. If it is not true, the NPSOBJ element is replaced by the empty string.

If the parameter negate is specified, the value of the condition that results according to the following specification for the individual values for condition is negated. Only then is the decision made, whether the element is to be replaced by content or by the empty string.

The evaluation of data, data1, and data2 follows the same scheme. It is defined for data here:

If value="value" is specified, then the value of data is the constant value. If value is not specified and name="name" is specified, then the value of data is the result of the evaluation of name as a string with the separator separator and the date format format_name. If (erroneously) neither the value attribute nor the name attribute are given, the value from data is the empty string. If (erroneously) value="value" and name="name" are specified, name="name" is ignored.

The separator must be specified if name has been specified and name references a list. This is the case with the values of multiple selection type fields.

Please note that in binary conditions name and value must be used with the subscripts 1 and 2. With the condition types hasPrefix, hasSuffix, isGreaterThan, isLessThan, and matches the subscript determines whether the operand is on the left or right side of the operator.

isEmpty, isNil

These conditions are true if the value of data evaluates to an empty string or list, or if it does not exist. The two conditions are isomorphic. isNil is available for compatibility reasons.

isNotEmpty, isNotNil

These conditions are true if the value of data exists and evaluates neither to an empty string nor to an empty list. The two conditions are isomorphic. isNotNil is available for compatibility reasons.


The condition is only true if the value of data1 is identical character by character with the value of data2.


The condition is only false if the value of data1 is identical character by character with the value of data2.


The condition is only true if the value of data1 is greater than the value of data2. The values are compared character by character from left to right. Date values are converted to their 14-character ISO representation prior to the comparison and lists are converted to strings. By negating the condition, a less-than-or-equal comparison can be performed.


Analogously to isGreaterThan, the condition is only true if the value of data1 is less than the value of data2. By negating the condition, a greater-than-or-equal comparison can be performed.


The condition is only true if the beginning of data1 is identical character by character with data2.


The condition is only true if the length n of data2 is smaller than that of data1 and the last n characters of data1 are identical character by character with data2.


The condition is only true if the value of data1 is identical character by character with the value of data2, whereby upper and lower case differences are not observed.


The condition is only true if the value of data1 matches the regular expression data2. If data2 is not a valid regular expression, then the condition is false. If data2 is a null string, the condition is true.

Regular expressions must obey the extended POSIX syntax. Please note that the functions actually available depend on the POSIX ERE implementation in the operating system used. In the following list the special symbols and their meaning is explained:

[ ] In square brackets a range of symbols is specified in which the examined symbol must be found in order for the regular expression to match. If the examined character must not be found in the range of symbols, then the symbol ^ must be added as a prefix to the range. The minus sign can be used as a literal if it occurs as the first or last symbol. [=-] matches the characters = and -. Examples: [abc], [a-z], [^0-9]
* The * after a component of a regular expression means: can occur any number of times (or not at all). Example: 1[a-z]*[0-9]
. The period represents exactly one wildcard character.
^ The symbol ^ at the beginning of an expression requires the comparing string to match the regular expression from the beginning. Within square brackets the symbol means that the comparing string must not be contained in the specified range.
$ The symbol $ at the end of an expression requires the comparing string to match the regular expression from the end. \n corresponds to a new line.
+ The plus sign after a regular expression means once or more. For example [0-9]+ has the same meaning as [0-9][0-9]*.
( ) Brackets are used for grouping. An operator such as * or + can be used on an individual character or on a regular expression enclosed in brackets. Example: (a*(cb+)*).
{ } Curly braces are used for quantification. Placed after an element, {n}, {n,m}, or {n,} requires that the element occurs n times, n to m times, or at least n times, respectively. Example: [0-9]{14}
| The vertical bar means or. Example: (abc|def).

All of the symbols listed above must be preceded with a backslash character in order for them to be used as literals.


In the following example in a link context a link will only be generated if the URL contains the string ://. This is only true, if the link is an external link.

<npsobj name1="destinationUrl" value2="://" condition="matches">
  <npsobj insertvalue="anchor" name="destinationUrl">
    <npsobj insertvalue="var" name="displayTitle"/>