New Features

File Handling and Workflow

Mirror Files

With the help of mirror files, content can be used multiply in the folder hierarchy. In particular, mirror files make it possible to publish the content of a file using different layouts.

Mirror files have no content of their own. Instead, the content of the original file is used whenever the mirror file is displayed or exported.

With mirrored folders, the folder hierarchy below them is identical to the hierarchy below the original. However, the hierarchy consists of mirror files automatically created by the system. As opposed to the mirror files created explicitly, the ones created automatically cannot be deleted.

Mirror files can only be created by users who have been granted the permissionGlobalMirrorHandling permission. A user who has created a mirror file automatically becomes an administrator of the mirror file, meaning that he is permitted to delete it. (Id: 9895)

Deactivating Files

Files can now be dactivated. For this, a Tcl command and a button in the toolbar of the Content Navigator is available. If a file is deactivated, its expiration date is set to a date in the past. This causes the file to be no longer available on the live server after its release. In the Content Navigator, deactivated files are distinguishable from other files and can be hidden if desired.


By means of a reminder an editor can be notified about a file at a given time. This makes it easier to maintain content that needs to be updated at regular intervals.

A reminder is a file property that can be created or edited by a user who has the write permission for the file concerned. Every reminder includes the due date as well as the recipient list for email notification. In his personal preferences, each user can enable or disable email notifications globally for all reminders.

Link Checking

External link destinations can be checked automatically, and links to unreachable external destinations as well as unresolved links and links to deactivated files can be determined. For this, a new dialog and an extension to the Tcl interface exists.

Enhanced Editing Possibilities for Field Values

Instead of the built-in dialog you can now use wizards for editing field values.

Wizards can now be configured to start without opening a window. This makes it possible to initiate processes that do not require user actions.


Enhanced Preview

The advantages of the integrated and the live preview have been combined into a new preview. If the Portal Manager is used, the portlets now work and are always displayed, also in the editorial view. Furthermore, the menu and the toolbar can be hidden to have more space available for the preview.

The editing facilities available in the preview are now customizable. It is possible to have editing elements displayed (action markers, i.e. linked icons as for editing field values and links) that are linked to a script, meaning that any kind of actions can be triggered (for example, sorting items in the navigation) from within the preview. Furthermore, hints or comments useful to the editors can be inserted into the preview.

Easier Accessible Details View

The details view can now be accessed directly via the menu and the toolbar.

Enhanced List Views

List views are no longer displayed as tables but in a user-friendly format known from search results lists. Furthermore, the lists are displayed much faster than the tables.

Enhanced Usability of the File Format Selection Dialog

In the dialog with which a file format is selected (for example while creating a file) the titles of the file formats are now always displayed. The name of a format is shown in a tooltip if the mouse pointer is moved over the title. If, after a search, the results list contains more than one file format, the titles and the names are displayed in two columns.

Content Syndication and Portal Functions

Content Service

The new Content Service function makes it possible to exchange any kind of content between different instances of CMS Fiona. This can be done automatically (time-controlled) or manually. The Content Service function is a means for syndicating content, i.e. for synchronizing content independently of its location for the purpose of unifying the corporate design or of balancing the load in multi-national web presences, for example.

The Content Service Interface is based on HTTP and can be used in scripts or custom applications. A sample Tcl script is included in delivery.

The Content Service function is an extension that needs to be licensed separately.

Extension of the Portal Manager Interface

A new npspm instruction, showIfLanguage, makes it possible to show or hide parts of the content, depending on the language setting of the user:

<npspm showIfLanguage="de">Deutscher Inhalt</npspm>
<npspm showIfLanguage="de" negate="true">English content</npspm>

For German-language users "Deutscher Inhalt" is displayed while "English content" is displayed for all other users.

Redirect for Directory URLs

An URL by which an existing directory is referenced (for example http://localhost:8080/PM/test) is now redirected to the corresponding index page (to http://localhost:8080/PM/test/index.html), analogously to the Apache web server.

Licensing and Database

Common Database for Instances

For the CMS instances, a common database or individual databases for each instance can be used. A common database reduces maintenace effort as well as licensing costs. Furthermore, the purchased CUs (Concurrent Users) can be utilized more flexible since the CUs can be used by all instances (floating concurrent users). This option to run instances on a common database needs to be licensed separately. It is not available for SQLite.

Supported Databases

The Oracle versions 9iR2 and 10g as well as the Sybase versions 12.5 and 15 are now supported.
The Oracle versions 7, 8, and 8i are no longer supported.
You can find the complete list of the supported databases in the document describing the server-side installation requirements.

Migrating the Database

After updating, an existing database of the CMS, version 6, can be migrated to the current scheme without the need for a dump/restore process. This makes migrating much faster than in previous versions.


Single Contexts in Export Variables

Export variables containing a context list which consists of only one element can now be treated like single contexts. This makes it possible, for example, to query a field of this element without having to iterate over the list.