
Available for: Content Management Server

Task: The procedure modifies access permissions for the specified files and groups.

Additional information: Depending on the modifier, permissions will be granted to or revoked from the specified groups.


modifyPermissions objIdsOrPaths modifier groups permissions

Function parameters:

  • objIdsOrPaths is the list of files to which the access permissions being modified refer. The list can contain both file IDs and paths. Paths must be absolute, i.e. start with a slash.

  • modifier is one of the following modifiers:

    • grantTo: The permissions permissions will be granted to the groups.
    • set: the system first revokes all file-specific permissions from the group. The permissions permissions are then granted to the groups.
    • revokeFrom: The system revokes the permissions permissions from the groups.
  • groups is the list of groups for which the access permissions are to be changed.

  • permissions is the list of file access permissions (such as permissionRead).

Return value if successful: none

Necessary permissions: The user must have the permissionRoot permission for the specified files.


CM>modifyPermissions [obj list] grantTo {new_editor_group} permissionRoot
modifying permissions