Link Parameters

Parameters Type Explanation Applic. get set descr
attributeName string Name of the version field containing the link (only with free links). CM, TE
canHaveAnchor bool Specifies whether the link can have an anchor. CM, TE
canHaveTarget bool Specifies whether the link can have a frame target in which the target file is displayed CM, TE
destination string File ID of the target file (only for internal links) CM, TE
destinationUrl string The URL that represents the link CM, TE
displayTitle string The title of the link used in the HTML user interface. If the link is internal and has no title, then the title of the destination file is returned. CM, TE
expectedPath string Path to the referenced file in the folder hierarchy (only for internal links) CM, TE
getKeys stringlist List of the link parameters which can be queried with get CM, TE
id string The ID of the link CM, TE
isComplete bool Specifies whether the link is resolved CM, TE
isContextLink bool Specifies whether the link is a context link, i. e. can be found in an NPSOBJ-context instruction. CM, TE
isDynamicLink bool Specifies whether the link is a dynamic link, i. e. can be found in an NPSOBJ-insertvalue-dynamiclink instruction. CM, TE
isExternalLink bool Specifies whether the link is an external link CM, TE
isFreeLink bool Specifies whether the link is a free link (i.e. assigned to a linklist field). CM, TE
isIncludeLink bool Specifies whether the main content of the link destination is to be inserted (<NPSOBJ includetext="...">) CM, TE
isInlineReferenceLink bool Specifies whether it is an inline reference link CM, TE
isLinkFromCommittedContent bool Specifies whether the link is contained in the committed version CM
isLinkFromEditedContent bool Specifies whether the link is contained in the draft version CM
isLinkFromReleasedContent bool Specifies whether the link is contained in the released version CM
isWritable bool Specifies whether the logged-in user can edit the link. This is the case if the link is in the draft version and the user has file write permission CM
position (from version 6.6.1) integer If the link is contained in a link list, position functions as a sort value that determines the position of the link in the linklist. The value can be assigned freely. Therefore, when sorting the linklist, the positions of all its links need to be analyzed and changed as desired. CM, TE
setKeys stringlist List of the link parameters that can be set with set CM
source string The ID of the file that contains the link CM, TE
sourceContent string The ID of the file version that contains the link CM, TE
sourcetagAttribute string The name of the HTML tag attribute the link is defined in CM, TE
sourcetagName string The name of the HTML tag the link is defined in CM, TE
target string The destination frame or window. CM, TE
title string The title of the link CM, TE