Finding Files

The Content Navigator, i.e. the web interface of CMS Fiona features a search form for comfortably finding a particular file. If you only need to locate files via Tcl, and searching their names for the occurrence of a string is sufficient, a small Tcl script will do.

All the script needs to do is determine the names of all files in a partial hierarchy, compare the names with the search string, and output the paths of the files found:

 proc locate {objId searchString} {
   puts "Getting Ids..."
   set counter 0
   set objects [listSubtree [findObjectId $objId]]
   foreach obj $objects {
     set name [obj withId $obj get name]
     if {[string match *$searchString* $name] == 1} {
       puts "[obj withId $obj get path]"
       incr counter
   puts "\n$counter files found"

Save this procedure in a script file, for example in locate.tcl. Then start the Tcl client of the Content Manager and make the locate procedure contained in the script file available using source locate.tcl. You can now run the procedure:

CM>locate /internet/news business