Field Parameters

The field parameters can be accessed using field commands (for examples, please refer to the individual command descriptions). The access types available for a field parameter are indicated in the columns to the right of the explanation column. The create column indicates whether a parameter can be specified when creating a field. In the descr column, the parameters included in field descriptions (see the description field command) are tagged.

Parameters Type Explanation get set create descr
callback string Tcl script that is called after a value has been assigned to a field. Not available for linklist fields.
displayTitle string The string that is displayed as the field's title in the HTML user interface
displayValueCallback string Tcl script that is called to calculate the display value of a custom field (see also the displayValue version field in the Version fields section). Not available for linklist fields.
editField stringlist Definition of the input field to be used for value assignment
editFieldSpec stringlist Complete specification of the input field - also contains field names and enumeration values
getKeys stringlist List of parameters that can be queried with get
helpText string Help text for the field
helpText.language string Help text for the field in the respective language (from the localization section of the system configuration)
isSearchableInCM bool Specifies whether the field values can be searched in the Content Manager if the search engine is running.
isSearchableInTE bool Specifies whether the field values can be searched on the live server if the search engine is running.
maxSize integer With link lists, the maximum number of links in the list (from version 6.7.0)
minSize integer With link lists, the minimum number of links in the list, provided the linklist field has been marked as mandatory in the file format. Otherwise, the link list may be left empty even if a minimum number of links has been specified. (From version 6.7.0.)
name string Name of the field
setKeys stringlist List of parameters that can be set with set
title string Title of the field in the user-specific language
title.language string Title of the field in the respective language (from the localization section of the system configuration)
type string Type of the field (permitted: string (default), text, date, enum, multienum, html, signature, linklist, from version 6.6 additionally markdown)
validEditFieldKeys stringlist List of the possible parameter names in the input field definition (depends on input field type)
validEditFieldTypes stringlist List of the possible input field types (depends on the field type)
values stringlist Enumeration values (only with enum and multienum fields)
wantedTags stringlist List of the HTML tags allowed in the field value (only for fields of the html and markdown type) (the empty value means: all).