Faster Delivery of GUI Pages with Apache Webserver

If you deliver the pages of your editorial system with Apache Webserver, you can increase the delivery speed (and decrease system load at the same time).

For this, configure Apache Webserver to change the Expires header of particular files, namely theme files (especially images and style sheets) and JavaScript files, so that they remain up-to-date for a longer period of time. This will cause the web browsers on the client computers to load these files from their cache.

To do this, add the following lines to the configuration file of your Apache Webserver:

# Add some expires headers for better caching of CMS GUI pages
ExpiresActive On
<LocationMatch "^/[a-zA-Z]*/NPS/themes/.*\.(gif|png|jpg|js|css|swf|ico)$">
    ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
<LocationMatch "^/[a-zA-Z]*/NPS/p/(Stylesheet|js|MenuBarScript|ToolBarScript)">
    ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
<LocationMatch "^/[a-zA-Z]*/NPS/.*\.js$">
    ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
<FilesMatch "\.(ico)$">
    ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"