Saving Data

Attention: Up to CMS Fiona 6.7.3, with productively used systems, data must not be restored from partial dumps since this might result in data loss.

Caution: Only start the dumping process if you have ensured that no write access to the data takes place while dumping. Otherwise the saved data will be incomplete or corrupted. Make sure that the CM is not running as a server and that no other CMs are running or started in single mode while data is being dumped.

Please observe the following when dumping and restoring mirror files: The dump needs to include the original files of the mirror files, and these originals must be restorable along with their mirror files.

In order to partially save your data, please proceed as follows:

  • Log on to the operating system as CMS administrator. The CMS administrator is the user whose login was specified for this purpose during the installation.

  • Stop the Content Management Server.

  • Change to the instance-specific bin directory and execute the following command in a shell.

    CM -dump dumpDir (resume | {entity ident} | file deffile)

Please specify as dumpDir the directory to which the CMS data is to be saved. A relative path refers to the current directory.

Using the resume option, you can have the Content Manager continue an interrupted dumping procedure.

The type of the entity to be saved and its identifier (name, ID) can be specified optionally and more than once as entity ident. For entity use one of the keywords object, objectTree, attribute, workflow, or objClass.

If object or objectTree is specified as entity, specify a file ID or a file path as ident. For all other entities specifiy their respective name.

Using the option file deffile, the entities to be saved can be specified in a definition file instead of specifying them on the command line. In such a definition file each line consists of an entity type, followed by an ident which is the name (or path or ID for files) of the respective entity. Comments can be placed on separate lines beginning with a hash mark (#).

The following sample command line dumps data to the directory myDir. The file with the path /en and the file with the ID 12345 are dumped recursively (including the files they contain). The file format newsdoc is dumped as well:

CM -dump myDir objectTree /en objectTree 12345 objClass newsdoc