Creating Groups

To create a user group, click on the New button in the Groups section or on a group’s view page. The form User Management - Groups - New is displayed:

The form consists of several areas which are described in the following.

General Properties

In this area of the form, you determine the general properties of the user group:


Please enter a unique identification for the new group in the Name field. The name of a group cannot be subsequently changed.

Please note that group names and the login of the users belong to the same name space. A name being used as the name of a group cannot therefore be used later as a user login (and vice versa).

Real Name

Please enter a meaningful description of the group in the Real Name field.


As with users, groups also have an owner who is allowed to administer the group. Initially, you (as the person who created the group) are the owner of the group. You can, however, enter a user or a user group as the future administrator of the group in the Owner field. To do this, enter the login or group name of the new owner in the entry field. You can limit the search from the start by entering a part of a user’s name in the entry field and afterwards clicking on the Search button. On the selection page for users or Groups you can start a new search at any time to find the desired owner. Then click on the login or the name in the corresponding list entry to place the new owner in the entry field.

If you would like to specify an owner, you should check whether the new owner has the global permission to administer users and groups, and if necessary, grant him or her this permission.

Group Members

In this area of the form, you can determine which users are to be members of the new group:

A new user group initially has no members. You can assign a user to the new group by clicking on the Add button. This opens the user selection page on which you can use the search function to find the desired user. If you click on a user’s login in the search result, the Content Manager moves the login to the Users in Group list. Repeat the process for all the users to be placed into the new group.

In order to remove users from the group, select them from the Users in Group list and click on the Remove button. Subsequently, the selected user no longer appears in the list.

Global Permissions

You assign global permissions to the group in this lowermost area of the form:

You can grant a group global permissions by selecting the corresponding permissions from the Available Permissions list and clicking on the arrow pointing to the right. The permissions assigned to the group are displayed in the Group Permissions list.

In order to revoke the group’s permissions, select the corresponding permissions in the Group Permissions list and click on the arrow pointing to the left. The permissions removed from the list are moved back to the Available Permissions list.

In certain circumstances, other global permissions which you can select are also shown in the Available Permissions list. How additional permissions can be used in the CMS is described in section Global Permissions.

Confirm the entries for the new group with OK. The Content Manager then displays the view page of the new group.