Contact Person Fields

Field nameMeaning
account Account to which the contact person belongs
active Indicates whether the contact person is active. Inactive contacts normally do not show up in search results, are not added to collections, and do not receive e-mails.
email E-mail address
fax Fax number
first_name The contact persons first name
gender Gender
greeting Simple greeting for use in text body, e.g. "Mrs. Smith"
job_title Position or job description, e.g. "Sales Manager Software"
language Preferred language of the contact person.
last_name The contact person's last name
letter_address Salutation in letters, e.g. "Mrs. Ellen Smith"
location Business address of the contact person
login User name for accessing the website. Can be set to the value of the email field by means of the contact_want_auto_set_login_from_email system setting.
mobile_phone Mobile phone number
notes Notes
phone Phone number
salutation Formal address, e.g. "Dear Mrs. Smith"
subscription_names Names of the person's subscriptions, i.e. of the named contact person collections the contact person is part of.
want_email Contact accepts e-mails.
want_phonecall Contact accepts phone calls
want_snailmail Contact accepts letters
custom_field Custom contact person fields


You can place different content into a mailing, depending on the corresponding person's subscriptions. To do this, query the subscription_names field and check whether it contains a specific subscription name.


{% if contact.subscription_names contains 'Customers_standard' %}
  Person has subscribed to Customers_standard
{% else %}
  Person has not subscribed to Customers_standard
{% endif %}

The contents of a mailing, optionally including Liquid code, can be easily generated with CMS Fiona using templates.