Compatibility and Limitations

Restrictions of the search

Currently, the Fiona 7 gem doesn't fully support the Scrivito search API. In particular, the “contains” and “contains_prefix” operators and the all-fields wildcard “*” are not supported.

With larger amounts of data, the search currently is not as fast as with Scrivito.

Working copy operations

The Fiona 7 gem for in-place editing assumes that all changes to the content are made in the only working copy available, and that all released content represents the published content. Since there cannot be more than one working copy, operations relating to working copies, e.g. “rebase” or “delete” are not supported.

Not available functions

As opposed to Scrivito, it is not possible to find or restore deleted CMS objects. Also, the type of an existing attribute cannot be changed.

The following two functions of the classic Fiona CMS are currently not fully integrated with the Fiona 7 gem:

  • Workflow operations for pages are functional but aren't offered in the user interface.
  • Completion checks are evaluated and taken account of, but the error messages they may produce aren't displayed in the user interface.