Administration Commands

Collections hold the data of the Search Cartridge. Essentially, they contain the indexes and word lists that are produced when documents are indexed.

Switchable collections - the collections used on the live system - are located in the export/offline/collections directory below the instance directory, i. e., for example, instance/default/export/offline/collections. Each collection is represented by an individual directory whose name equals the collection name.

Non-switchable collections are mainly used on the editorial system. They are only used on the live system if it does not include a Template Engine. The storage location of non-switchable collections is the data/ses/collections directory below Fiona’s instance directory. Like switchable collections, non-switchable ones are located in individual subdirectories whose names correspond to the collection names.

The Autonomy search engine module uses so-called style files when it creates collections. If collections are created using the createCollection Tcl command described in this section, the supplied style files located in the config/vdk/style directory are used. If, however, this directory contains a directory named like the collection to be created, then the style files in this directory will be used. These files are copied to the style directory below the corresponding collection directory.

Of course you can also use Autonomy’s mkvdk program to create collections. This tool as well as other administration tools can be found in the directory 3rdparty/vdk/_ilnx21/bin (Unix) or 3rdparty/vdk/_nti40/bin (Windows).

The locales and the Autonomy configuration files can be found in the 3rdparty/vdk/common directory. Each locale has its own directory here whose name equals the name of the locale.

For the purpose of administering collections, numerous Tcl commands are available in the server’s so-called single mode. In single mode the Search Engine Server is no server but a command line program.

Please note that the Search Engine Server must be stopped prior to executing commands with which one ore more collections can be modified (see Executing the Search Engine Server).

You can execute the Search Engine Server in single mode by running the executable file in a shell, specifying the command line argument -single. Under Linux and Solaris this can be done from the instance’s bin directory:

./SES -single

Under Windows, use the following command:

SES -single

The Search Engine Server then displays a prompt. You can now use all standard Tcl commands as well as the commands listed in the following. Most of these commands call Autonomy’s mkvdk program. The Search Engine Server’s commands, however, are easier to use than mkvdk.